Alasan Mengapa Pribumi Benci Keturunan Tionghoa..
Bangsa Cina mendarat di Indonesia pada abad ke 5, di pesisir pantai Jawa Timur. Mereka adalah pedagang yg berlayar untuk mencari rempah2, dan kemudian karena satu dan lain hal, mereka menetap di Indonesia dan berasimilasi dengan penduduk setempat. Para pedagang Cina ini juga diyakini sebagai yg membawa agama dan tradisi Islam masuk ke Indonesia, karena berkat Jalan Sutra, agama Islam yg berasal dari Arab, masuk ke Cina melalui India. Bahkan menurut sejarah, beberapa orang dari Wali Songo adalah keturunan Cina seperti Sunan Ampel, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Kalijaga, dan Sunan Gunung Jati. Hal ini merupakan sesuatu yg ironis di masa pada jaman sekarang hanya sedikit orang Tionghoa yg memeluk agama Islam. Mengapa bisa demikian?
Ironically, though most of the present Chinese Indonesians are not Muslims, some of the earliest Islamic evangelists in Java (Wali Songo, or the Nine Ambassadors) were of Chinese ancestry. At least four of those nine were original Chinese or Chinese descendants: Sunan Ampel, Sunan Bonang (son of Ampel and a Chinese woman), Sunan Kalijaga, and Sunan Gunungjati
Pada tahun 1740, karena krisis ekonomi yg disebabkan oleh turunnya harga gula di pasar global, Belanda hendak mengikis upah gaji para pekerja dengan cara memindahkan para kuli, yg sebagian besar adalah pribumi, ke Afrika. Padahal maksud sebenarnya adalah mereka bermaksud membuang para kuli itu ke laut lepas diam2. Entah bagaimana caranya, isu tersebut tersebar dan para pedagang Tionghoa di Batavia, menggalang kekuatan untuk menyerbu kapal2 Belanda tersebut. Pertumpahan darah pun tidak dapat dielakkan.
On October 9, 1740, the order was issued to search the houses of all the Chinese residents in Batavia. This soon degenerated into an all-out, three-day long massacre - with Chinese being massacred in their homes, and earlier captured Chinese being killed out of hand in prisons and hospitals.
A preacher fanned the flames from the pulpit, declaring that the killing of Chinese was "God's Will", and the colonial government itself reportedly posted a bounty for decapitated Chinese heads. The number of victims in these three days is variously estimated at between five thousand and ten thousand. The name Kali Angke (traditional Chinese: 紅溪; literally, "Red River") is said to date from that time, recalling the blood flowing into the river.
Pada jaman perang kemerdekaan, orang Tionghoa juga berperan penting dalam perjuangan melawan menjajah di mana dalam BPUPKI terdapat 6 orang Tionghoa yg berkontribusi dalam pembentukan UUD'45. Hanya sedikit orang Tionghoa yg terjun langsung pada konflik bersenjata karena pada saat itu jumlah mereka hanya sedikit. Pada jaman agresi militer, Belanda dan Jepang melakukan blokade terhadap impor barang2 kebutuhan seperti sabun dan peralatan memasak. Orang Tionghoa memegang peranan besar dalam menyelundupkan barang2 itu masuk ke dalam negeri. Namun karena situasi negara saat itu sedang kacau, tidak ada catatan jelas mengenai hal itu sehingga peranan Tionghoa dalam perjuangan meraih kemerdekaan menjadi blur.
During the Indonesian National Revolution following World War II, many Chinese Indonesians supported the Independence movement. BPUPKI's (Body for Investigating Preparation Attempts of Indonesia's Independence) membership included six ethnic Chinese members who contributed to the drafting of the Indonesian Constitution in 1945.[citation needed] The formation of all-Chinese Indonesian units in the Revolution was discussed,[13] similar to the formation of the all-Japanese American Nisei units in World War II. This suggestion was ultimately rejected, and the ethnic Chinese were advised to instead join their local pro-Independence groups. Due to the lack of such clearly-defined ethnic unit, the precise number of Chinese Indonesians who took part in the Indonesian National Revolution, and their percentage of the Chinese Indonesian community as a whole, remains disputed. It is a sensitive issue due to it sometimes being linked to the post-war status of Chinese Indonesians and their equal status (or lack of one) in the Indonesia created by that war.
During the 1945–1950 National Revolution to secure independence from the Dutch, few Chinese Indonesians were involved in the Indonesian Republican army. At that time, the economy plummeted and the taxes increased dramatically. Everyday goods, such as soap and cutlery, were rare; much and had been confiscated by the Japanese and Dutch for their own armies. Chinese Indonesians contributed in the smuggling of these goods
Tahun 1955-1965, perselisihan pun terjadi antara pribumi dan Tionghoa di mana Tionghoa dituduh "tidak patriotik" dan tidak ikut serta dalam perang meraih kemerdekaan. Pemerintah Indonesia saat itu pun akhirnya mengeluarkan peraturan yg membatasi peran Tionghoa dalam politik. Hal itu menyebabkan orang Tionghoa pun lebih fokus dalam bidang perdagangan dan industri. Kemajuan para Tionghoa dalam perekonomian ternyata kembali menyebabkan perselisihan di mana para Tionghoa dituduh sebagai agen kolonial dan menerima suap. Pemerintah pun memerintahkan para pedagang Tionghoa untuk menutup usahanya di kota2 besar dan memindahkan mereka dengan paksa ke daerah2 seperti Kalimantan dan Palembang. Saat itu kurang lebih ratusan ribu orang Tionghoa "dibuang", dan 42.000 yg dituduh membangkang dibunuh.
Chinese Indonesians were accused of unpatriotic ways during the war (as they were rarely involved in armed conflicts). The fledgling Indonesian government forced many to relinquish acquired properties. This would be the first of many Chinese Indonesian restrictions on personal rights.
In 1959, President Soekarno approved PP 10/1959, a directive that forced Chinese Indonesians to close their businesses in rural areas and relocate to urban areas. Enforcement was brutal; in one 1967 incident in Western Kalimantan, 42,000 accused separatists were slaughtered.
Sebagai protes, banyak orang Tionghoa yg mencoba pulang kembali ke negara asalnya, hanya untuk menemukan bahwa mereka tidak diterima di sana karena dianggap sudah "tidak berdarah murni" Hal ini menyebabkan orang2 Tionghoa di Indonesia kehilangan jati diri, karena mereka bukan Indonesia dan juga bukan Cina. Akhirnya sebagian dari mereka pindah ke negara2 lain seperti Malaysia, Singapura, dan Brazil.
In protest, many Cina Totoks returned to either mainland China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan, only to find that they were not welcomed there either. Ironically, they were not regarded as "pure Chinese", regardless of their effort of maintaining a "pure Chinese breed". The unfortunate news of the early migrants was widespread among the Chinese Indonesians. They soon found themselves as neither Indonesian nor Chinese. Some decided to move to some other places, like Singapore, Malaysia or even as far afield as Brazil.
Pada jaman pemerintahan Soeharto, orang Tionghoa di Indonesia diharuskan mengganti nama mereka dengan nama Indonesia. Hal ini merupakan sesuatu yg sangat pedih karena mereka menjadi kehilangan marga dan nama keluarga mereka. Segala tradisi yg berbau Cina diharamkan, dan bahasa Mandarin pun dilarang karena mereka dituduh menyebarkan paham komunis. Di beberapa daerah juga hal ini disangkut pautkan dengan agama di mana orang Tionghoa dianggap tidak menghormati agama Islam dan tradisi muslim dan dibunuh. Pada periode 1965-1975, aparat dapat dengan seenaknya mengeksploitasi orang Cina dengan merampok dan memperkosa keluarga mereka. Cara satu2nya untuk survive pada masa itu adalah dengan menyogok.Bahkan para Tionghoa yg berjasa bagi Indonesia pun ditangkap, dipenjara, dan dibunuh, dan hal ini menyebabkan orang Tionghoa menjadi memisahkan diri dengan Indonesia. Mereka tidak senang disebut sebagai warga "Indonesia" Hal ini terjadi hingga hari ini. Walaupun generasi muda saat ini tidak seekstrim leluhurnya dalam menjalani tradisi Tionghoa, tapi tetap mereka merasa berbeda dan menjaga jarak dengan pribumi. Budaya mereka menjadi lebih kebarat-baratan, karena banyak orang tua Tionghoa memilih untuk menyekolahkan anak mereka ke Amerika atau Eropa.
The Chinese-Indonesian were all forced to change their names to Indonesian sounding ones. This law is considered as one of the most humiliating ones to those in the Chinese community in Indonesia since by doing so, they are forced to lose their family name. Between 1965 and 1975, army and police officers were rampant in abusing Chinese Indonesians, such as openly robbing and raping their families. During this time, police could abuse any people using Chinese language. The only way to survive during this harsh period was by using bribes.
In addition, those who were considered as heroes of Indonesian independence, such as Siauw Giok Tjhan and Liem Koen Hian, were either brutally executed, exiled, or jailed. Those who protested were silently murdered. None of them were bestowed national hero status. It effectively discouraged any Chinese Indonesian of the time to dedicate their lives for Indonesia.
Since Chinese Indonesians were banned from all aspects of life except from the economy and industry, they concentrated their effort in those areas and became remarkably successful. It opened opportunities for government and military officers to levy bribes from Chinese Indonesian businessmen. Bribes and corruption soon became a norm. This widened the gap between them and pribumi. The pribumi accused Chinese Indonesians with colluding with the government and thereby poisoning the entire political system. On the other hand, Chinese Indonesians felt that they were treated unfairly and the government was much more lenient toward the pribumi.
Most Chinese Indonesians are not Muslim, further generating negative sentiments from the mostly Muslim natives. This is ironic in light of the fact that some of the earliest Muslim evangelists in Java (who were called the Wali Songo or 'The Nine Ambassadors') were of Chinese ancestry. A historical theory even suggests that the first people who brought Islamic faith to Indonesia were the Chinese traders, especially those who came to Semarang under the leadership of Sam Po Kong or Admiral Zheng He. Zheng He was not a Han, but a Muslim from a minority ethnic group in China.
Because of discrimination, most Chinese Indonesians were not politically active and could not lobby for legislation to protect their own interests, despite their economic affluence. The situation is different in neighboring Malaysia where the overseas Chinese have been both politically and economically active despite being a minority in a similar environment — better off economically in a Muslim majority country.
Despite laws and public opinion against the Chinese Indonesians, many have succeeded in fields other than business, most notably in the sport of badminton, the most popular competitive sport in Indonesia. Indonesian athletes dominated the sport from the 1960s to the 1990s. Many of the beloved players and coaches are Chinese Indonesians, such as Tan Joe Hok, Rudy Hartono, Christian Hadinata, Tjun Tjun, Johan Wahjudi, Ade Chandra, Liem Swie King, Ivana Lie, Verawaty, Susi Susanti, Alan Budikusuma, Ardy Wiranata, and Heryanto Arbi.
Ada blog yg ngebahas soal kerusuhan Mei, untuk jelasnya mengenai situasi saat itu, baca aja di sini
As more and more discrimination and enmity accumulated, Chinese Indonesians increasingly identified themselves as a separate group and did not like to be referred to as "Indonesians". Although younger generations did not as strictly follow traditions as the older ones did, they still felt they were different from Indonesians.
During this era, younger generations adopted western culture more and more as they perceived it as being more superior. They were more aligned toward western countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom. The westernization became popular as many parents sent their children abroad to western countries.
The Jakarta riot of 1998 targeted many Chinese Indonesians. The riot itself drew condemnations from Chinese speaking countries. Suharto was allegedly the mastermind of this riot, but it misfired. Suffering from lootings and arsons, many Chinese Indonesians fled from Indonesia. Ironically, they found western countries were more accepting than Indonesia, their country of birth. Even after the riot subsided, many of them did not want to return.
Setelah 45 tahun dilarang di Indonesia (sejak tahun 1965), pada tahun 2000, Metro TV menjadi stasiun TV pertama yg menggunakan bahasa mandarin. Pada tahun 2006, pemerintah mengeluarkan undang2 yg menghapus segala perbedaan antara Tionghoa dan pribumi. Dan pada tahun 2007, SBY meresmikan istilah "Tionghoa" sebagai nama bagi penduduk keturunan Cina di Indonesia.
So, setelah membaca uraian di atas, bisa kita lihat bahwa pada awal mulanya, orang Tionghoa dan pribumi hidup berdampingan. Diskriminasi terjadi akibat usaha penjajah untuk memecah belah Indonesia. Berbagai usaha perbaikan telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah, namun luka yg telah mendarah daging selama berbagai generasi tidaklah semudah itu untuk dihapuskan.
Marilah kita sebagai generasi muda, belajar dari kesalahan pada leluhur kita, untuk bersikap kritis. Jangan mudah diadu domba oleh pihak2 yg tidak bertanggung jawab. Diskriminasi adalah sebuah hal yg menginjak2 martabat dan hak asasi manusia, dan perbedaan AGAMA adalah sebuah kekayaan budaya bangsa yg harus kita hargai. Satu nusa, satu bangsa. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
And most of all, we are a children of the world, God's great big family, and love is all we need =)